Other Resources

The Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) advises members about relevant developments in international trade policy and economic co-operation frameworks and how to advance their individual and collective fisheries interests in trade policy and economic partnership negotiations. Regular trade and industry reports include Fisheries Trade BriefingTuna Market News & Fisheries Economic Indicators. Many of these activities are part of the DEVFISH project. Elizabeth Havice is a regular contributor to the Trade and Industry News.

BIMCO is the world’s largest direct-membership organization for shipowners, charterers, shipbrokers and agents. They have collected reports and circulars with imposed restrictions intended to keep the virus at bay, but have reportedly disturbed crew mobility.

Environmental NGOs have been central to documenting abuse of fish workers, and have been campaigning for stronger and effective legal protections.  Greenpeace, for example, has made working conditions on fishing vessels a key component of their definition of sustainable fishing.”

Human Rights at Sea are a key organization for disseminating information and promoting the rights of seafarers, including seafarers in fishing.

ITF Seafarers. Following the spread of Covid-19, restrictions, safety measures and procedures are now in effect in ports across the world.

The ILO along with other organizations have a project called Ship to Shore Rights Southeast Asia, which aims to improve working conditions in the seafood sector, including both fishing and processing.

Port chaplains are often the most knowledgeable about the issues faced by workers in fishing. They are networked through various churches.  Stella Maris has been especially important for our research: https://www.greenpeace.org/southeastasia/press/44701/24-civil-organizations-call-on-asean-to-better-protect-migrant-fishers-rights/